Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that may be helpful.
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To view the answers to the questions, "click" the plus sign and the answer text will appear below the question. To collapse the answer, "click" the minus sign.
Note the View By Category with a drop down menu and the selection button labeled View. This is an alternative method to view the information. Select a category from the drop down menu and then "click" the View button. Some of the categories listed currently have no information attached.
You can retrieve your user name and/or reset your password by clicking on the Login link on the menu. On the login screen, click on the "Forgot your User ID or password?" link below the login fields at the bottom of the login box. If you've forgotton your user name, you can still retrieve it by entering your email address in the field provided. The email address must match the one stored in your profile. Passwords cannot be retrieved, however you can reset your password by clicking the link in the email you receive when you request a password reset.
1) You have just registered a new account. All new accounts require confirmation before message posting is allowed.
2) You have recently modified your profile. Whenever you make changes to your profile, you will be asked to confirm it again.
3) The forum administrator has received a notification that your email address is invalid or not working properly. Whenever the discussion board tries to send a message notification to the email address you have in your profile, it checks to see if that email was delivered properly. If the email cannot be delivered properly for any reason, the administrator is notified. If it appears to the administrator that your email account is no longer working, your account will be reset so it requires confirmation. If you believe this is the case, please update your profile with a working email address.
1) You may have created more than one account with similar names and the same address. If you are sure you have created an account in the past, but have forgotten your account login name or password, please do not create a new account. Instead, use the Login screen to have your existing account information sent to you via email.
2) Your account may be deleted if you have violated one or more of the web site rules.
3) If you created or changed your account profile more than two weeks ago, but never confirmed your account, your account may be deleted. Periodically, the administrator will delete any accounts that have been pending confirmation for more than two weeks.
The confirmation email is normally delivered within a few minutes of registering.
First check your profile and make certain your email address is valid and is able to receive incoming mail. Check every letter to make sure you spelled your email address correctly. Some typos are hard to spot. Also, make sure you used the correct domain type (.net, .com, .org) for your email address domain.
If you use any type of email SPAM filtering software or if your mail provider uses any type of SPAM filtering, you may need to configure it to allow email to come from For AOL users, this can usually be done by adding the address to your AOL address book. If you have multiple screen names, make sure to add it to the address book for the screen name you have entered in your profile.
AOL users should also check their "Spam Folder" to see if the confirmation notice was incorrectly detected as spam. You can view your Spam Folder by starting AOL and clicking the Mail menu, then selecting Spam Folder from that menu. On older versions of AOL, try going to Keyword "Spam Folder" if this menu option is not available.
After you have made the changes above to your email address or your SPAM filtering, you can force another copy of the confirmation email to be sent to you by viewing your profile and clicking the "Resend Confirmation E-Mail" button at the bottom of the screen. This forces another email to be sent to the email address in your profile with the confirmation link needed to activate your account.
If you still have trouble receiving the confirmation email, you may want to open a "free" web-based email account through one of the internet's free email providers. If you are able to receive emails at that account, you can be relatively certain that your regular email account is somehow filtering out the emails from the community web site.
First check your profile and make certain your email address is valid and is able to receive incoming mail.
If you use any type of email SPAM filtering software or if your mail provider uses any type of SPAM filtering, you may need to configure it to allow email to come from For AOL users, this can usually be done by adding the address to your AOL address book. If you have multiple screen names, make sure to add it to the address book for the screen name you have entered in your profile.
AOL users should also check their "Spam Folder" to see if the confirmation notice was incorrectly detected as spam. You can view your Spam Folder by starting AOL and clicking the Mail menu, then selecting Spam Folder from that menu. On older versions of AOL, try going to Keyword "Spam Folder" if this menu option is not available.
You can contact any board member or the management company using the name and address on the Contacts page of this web site, or you can send a violation report via email using the online HOA Violation/Problem Report Form. Unless it involves a matter of life and death your board prefers to handle all matters.
An owner intending to lease his unit shall give the Board of Directors written notice of such intentions 20 days prior to the first day of occupancy. In addition, the name and address of the proposed lessee and fully executed copy of the lease must be provided to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may require a personal interview with the lessee as pre-condition to approval The Board of Directors will approve or disapprove in writing within 20 days.
Yes. The pets of the lesee are subject to the same restrictions as the owner of the unit. In the Declaration of Condominium section 10.6, the residence of each unit may keep up to 2 pets of a normal domesticated household type (such as dog or cat) in the unit. Pets are not permitted to be left unattended outside the unit or allowed to roam free on condominium property. No pets are permitted in the pool enclosure.
The covering and appearance of windows and doors, whether by draperies, shades, reflective film or other items, whether installed within or outside of the unit, visible from the exterior of the unit, must be approved by the Board of Directors. (9.3 C)
No change in any manner to the exterior appearance of any portion of the condominium is permitted without first obtaining written approval from the Board of Directors. (9.5)
Bug Free in under contract with the Board of Directors to control pests. If you have a special problem inside your unit, call 888-799-2847. The Board of Directors prepays the service.
Comcast is the cable provider for the basic channels. The basic cable is covered in you quarterly fees. If you want more than the basic channels, or internet, or phone, contact Comcast directly to establish an individual account.
A satellite dish less than 1-meter in diameter may be installed on the balcony, patio, or porch in a preferred location where an acceptable signal may be obtained. The preferred location is near the floor of the balcony, patio or porch, which is least visible from view from the Condominium grounds and attached in a stable and secure manner. No portion of the antenna may extend outside the limited common element balcony, patio or porch. No satellite dish may be installed in the common areas of the property. (10.12)
No charcoal or gas grills are permitted on any lanai. Some units have a developer-installed electric grill, which is permitted on the lanai. Charcoal or gas grills may be used only on your driveway and stored in your garage. (10.14)
Charging of electrical vehicles on condominium property is prohibited unless prior written approval is obtained from the Board of Directors. As a condition of approval, the owners must agree to purchase and install a separate electric meter for charging the vehicle at a common element socket, agree to pay any cost required to upgrade the electrical facilities and lines if necessary, and agree to pay all property metered electrical costs associated with the charging of the owner's vehicle. (10.13)
No garage may be permanently enclosed, or converted to any other use which would prevent keeping a motor vehicle in the garage, such as by using it as a workshop, office, extra bedroom, or as a storeroom for furniture or other personal property. The garage door should remain closed, except to permit ventilation or when entering or leaving the garage. (10.10)
No motor vehicle shall be parked anywhere other than on paved areas designated for that purpose, or in a garage. Parking on lawns or landscaping is prohibited.
No motor vehicle shall be used as a domicile or residence while on condominium property.
N pick-up truck, mobile home, trailer, commercial vehicle, disabled or inoperative or unlicensed vehicle shall be permitted to be parked or stored in the community unless kept fully enclosed inside a structure. (10.10 A, B)
Season holiday lights and decorations may be erected at the exterior of the units or on the interior of the units, where they may be seen from the outside of the unit. Christmas decorations of lights may not be displayed prior to November 15th of any year. Other holiday decorations or lights may not be displayed more than 2 weeks in advance of the holiday. All seasonal holiday decorations must be removed within 15 days after the holiday has ended. (10.11)
The main entrance off Airport Pulling has a gate that opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 7:00 p.m. Owners are issued bar-code decals for each vehicle from the management company to open the gate. You may also request a 4-digit code to open the gate. To operate the gate using the 4-digit code, press # then the 4-digit code. If you have a landline phone, guest can call your phone. Touching "6" will open the gate.
The back gate that has access to Pine Ridge is operated only by the bar-code decals.
There are 2 walking gates for access to the shopping area. The current code is 3-1-2. All owners will be notified in advance when the code changes.
The management company is Directors Choice. Contact Janet Howard or Pam Howard by phone (239-877-7457), or email (, or mail at 4880 Rustic Oaks Circle, Naples, FL 34105.
You have 2 HOA fees due January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year. The Master Association requires an HOA fee and the Reserve requires an HOA fee. Payments are considered late after 10 days from the due date of each quarter. You may make arrangements for credit card payments or automatic deduction from your account or regular mail or simply put your payment in the black box in front of the clubhouse which is emptied 2-3 times a week.
The Board of Directors has adopted as required by law a model, style and color of hurricane shutter as a standard for use in the Reserve. No hurricane or storm shutters except the standard model, color and style adapted by the Board of Directors may be installed in the Reserve. (9.10)
Prior approval from the Board of Directors must be received before any work begins. The Board of Directors has approved hurricane shutters that are horizontal and light beige in color or you may choose to enclose your lanai with an approved hurricane proof glass. Since we live in a 32-unit community configured in a circle, we must be conscience of our neighbor's view.
Only the American flag can be flown. You must obtain prior approval from the Board of Directors regarding the mounting and size of the flag.
No change in any manner to the exterior appearance of any portion of the condominium is permitted without first obtaining written approval from the Board of Directors. (9.5)
The owner of each unit is responsible for all maintenance, repairs and replacement to his own unit and limited common elements that serve only his own unit (lanais, patios, porches, and driveways).
Maintenance, repair and replacement of all screens and windows.
Maintenance, repair and replacement of all entrance door and frame to the unit and the garage door except for paint.
Maintenance, repair and replacement of all door and window locks and hardware.
Maintenance, repair and replacement of all interior elements to the unit.
Maintenance, repair and replacement of driveway.
Since the green paint on the front doors seems to fade, you may paint your door between scheduled paints. You must use Sherwin Williams #1167 Leatherleaf.
The rules and regulations are posted in the pool enclosure. There are important safety rules of NO Diving, NO Climbing on the waterfall, and NO GLASS in the pool enclosure. The pool enclosure is locked and entry keys may be obtained from the management company.
Comcast is the cable provider for the basic channels. The basic cable is covered in you quarterly fees. If you want more than the basic channels, or internet, or phone, contact Comcast directly to establish an individual account.
Bug Free in under contract with the Board of Directors to control pests. If you have a special problem inside your unit, call 888-799-2847. The Board of Directors prepays the service.
Wednesday is garbage and recycled trash pickup day. Saturday is garbage only pickup day. Waste Management provides the plastic receptacles, which may be put on the curb the night before pickup and must be returned to your garage no later than 6 p.m. the day of pickup.
Items that will not fit into the receptacles or that are considered dangerous (oil, paint, and etc.) can be taken to the recycling center located just a few miles south on airport at 2640 W. Enterprise Avenue. Their hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Items that will not fit into the receptacles or that are considered dangerous (oil, paint, etc.) can be taken to the recycling center located just a few miles south on airport at 2640 W. Enterprise Avenue. Their hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
If you have a water leak, you are financially responsible for any damage to any other unit. In an upper unit, you will be financially responsible for any water damage to your unit, the lower unit, and the adjacent units. In a lower unit, you are financially responsible for any damage to your unit and the adjacent unit.
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